Friday, 4 April 2014

Silly Subordinates

The alien, who is called George Glop, lives next door.

My friend who likes jaffa cakes, lives down the road

Kian and Olivia

The pizza that Bob,made was very good.

BY Kian and Olivia

Silly subordnates

My friend, who eats a lot , lives next door
My friend who has a dog, can fly.

Olivia and Kian
The alien, who abducted my brother, lives next door

Silly sobordinate

On the precipice of life, the alien lives next store.alex
The pizza , which my friend bob made, is my favourite food.hasan

MVPS Vs St Winifred's

Good luck in the football this afternoon Year Six! Please let us all know how it goes! Miss M

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Silly subordinates!

Can you add a silly (but grammatically correct) subordinate clause to one of these main clauses?

The alien lives next door.

My friend can fly.

Pizza is my favourite food.

Tip: either use a subordinating conjunction at the start (although, as etc) or drop in an embedded clause after the noun.

Where in the world....?

Year Six!

We've had a visit from someone in a brand new continent! Can anyone see which continent has a brand new green dot?  Which country do you think they were in when they visited our blog?  Miss M