Monday, 7 September 2015

Welcome to Year Six 2015-2016!

Hello Year Six and all the visitors to our page. This is where we can share and you can find out about what we are learning in Year Six. To start us off, please let us know what you are looking forwards to the most this year!

Miss M


  1. I am going to have a great time in y6 I wont like the sats though but I'm excited, I wonder who gets the most votes for school council.


  2. Well done Caitlyn. You're the first to post! 1 table point!

  3. Hi year 6
    I know that you will all look forward to new challenges and make fantastic progress with Miss Mather.

    Miss Wilding

  4. i am not looking forward to SATS but i think i could do well in it.


  5. I remember at the start of the year I was really nervous about the SATS but it turned out to be perfectly fine! Just keep your head down and focus and you will be great! Year six was probably the most fun and fastest year out of the whole years. I absolutely loved it. Thank you!
    Yara xo
